In the News
Press Coverage & Op-Eds
12/1/2024 Chapelboro: ‘Duke Respect Durham:’ University Urged to Further Contribute, Partner With City
11/21/24 The Assembly: A New Campaign Asks: Does Duke Respect Durham?
[Note: We question the value of $24 million as Duke's direct benefit to Durham. In addition, Duke has not been transparent about how much of Durham it actually owns. These are symptoms of the power imbalance and undemocratic relationship between Duke and the people of Durham.]​
10/9/2024 Indyweek: Duke Building Renamed for George Wall As His Ancestors* Emphasize: “He Was One of Millions” [*Descendants]
9/24/2024 USSW: Long March for Unity & Justice in Durham, NC
9/24/2024 ABC: The Long March for Unity & Justice arrives in the Triangle
9/18/2024 The Duke Chronicle: ‘You will pay’: Duke Respect Durham event demands Duke pay Durham
9/15/2024 Durham Dispatch: With Strong Backing From Labor, “Duke Respect Durham” Campaign Holds Kickoff Event
5/2/2024 Indy Week: Local Workers Rally at May Day March in Downtown Durham
5/2/2024 The Duke Chronicle: Durham workers and community members march for labor rights on May Day
5/1/2024 CBS: Durham workers march the streets on May Day to push for labor rights
5/1/2024 WRAL: Hundreds march through Durham after May Day rally
4/13/2024 PILOT Advocate Visits Durham, Encourages Duke University to Pay Fair Share